Wednesday, 11 December 2019

How to prevent workplace bullying

Unfortunately, bullying isn’t just something we experience at school or when we’re younger, it can continue into adult life. Workplace bullying is far more commonplace than you might expect.

What is bullying?

So, what constitutes bullying and how can we recognise it?

  • Gossiping – talking negatively behind someone’s back, spreading malicious rumours or trying to turn others against someone are bullying tactics that can cause problems in the workplace.
  • Exclusion – If you are being excluded from certain activities in or outside of the workplace, such as lunchtime gatherings and social events, this can leave you wondering whether you're disliked and whether you have done something to upset people.
  • Unreasonable criticism – There will be times for most of us when we don’t get things quite right and we may be criticised for our work or behaviour, but when you feel as though the criticism is unjust or becoming a regular occurrence, you could be experiencing bullying tactics.
  • Abusive language – If someone uses abusive or offensive language towards you, this can be extremely upsetting. Whether it’s directed at you because of your race, religion or sexual orientation, this is unacceptable behaviour that needs addressing. 
  • Sabotage – Very often, a workplace bully will do everything in their power to sabotage your work and reputation. Perhaps they have taken credit for a successful task you have completed, or maybe they put the blame on you to cover up their own mistakes.

Effects of bullying

Bullying can have serious, detrimental affects on our mental and physical health if it isn’t nipped in the bud. As well as causing low self-esteem, disturbed sleep patterns, anger, lack of concentration, and a feeling of helplessness, the physical symptoms can be quite traumatic. When we undergo a large amount of stress for long periods of time, our bodies react and you could experience high blood pressure, panic attacks and ulcers.

Whether it’s yourself or someone else that is being bullied, this can also have a negative effect on the workplace so it’s important for employers and employees to recognise when it’s happening. Working in a toxic and hostile environment is unpleasant for everyone and can have knock-on effects for the whole workforce. It can cause a drop in productivity, a rise in absenteeism, low retention and high staff turnover, if bullying isn’t dealt with appropriately, it can result in legal issues.

Reasons for bullying

More often than not, bullies are lacking in self-esteem and feel the need to bring others down in order to build themselves up. Maybe they are jealous of your position at work, your relationships, how much you earn, your intelligence or even your appearance.

If bullies feel inferior or see someone as a threat, they use bullying tactics so that they can feel in control and gain recognition.

How to deal with workplace bullies

  • Speak up – Try to speak to the bully in a calm manner. Be aware of your body language and tone of voice so that you don’t appear threatening or intimidating. Keep eye contact, a relaxed posture and explain why their behaviour is causing a problem. Sometimes, bullies aren’t conscious of their behaviour and when confronted, they might just take on board your concerns.
  • Speak with someone in authority – Discuss the situation with your boss, or if it’s your boss that’s displaying the signs of a bully, then speak with someone higher up or in HR. Before you do speak to someone, keep a record of the times, dates and events of the bullying.
  • Seek support – Spend time with close friends and family and talk to them about what you’re going through as they can offer support and reassurance that will boost your self-esteem. 
  • Look for another job – This isn’t the most ideal outcome but if you have taken action and done all of the above but the bullying continues and your mental and physical health is suffering because of it, perhaps finding another place of work is the only other option that remains. 

If you or someone else is being bullied in the workplace, the website GOV.UK offers helpful advice. Alternatively, speak with ACAS on 0300 123 1100 or read their advice leaflet.

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